New gym & new business model

So yesterday I went to a new 24 hour gym for the first time. I was aiming to go before work but I’d taken 3 ZMA’s, couldn’t get to sleep initially and so my alarm didn’t wake me up [didn’t wake until 06:15] so I…

Alexa skills

A bloke I work with [who not many people really get on with, and to be fair I haven’t really got on with] talks every so often about taking business in a different direction – with Alexa skills – and it got me wondering tonight…

Extraction not distraction

It’s come to my attention that my coping method of late has been to distract myself from the stresses of the workplace rather than extract myself wholly from them in order to ground myself. It begs the question, how much harder will things get before…

It’s been a while!

I realised that I haven’t updated this in a while. In fact the last time I checked I’d actually lost a lot of posts because my web server had crashed and had lost all associated data [silly me for not backing up, I should have…

New contract

So after a few months off (including Christmas, New Year, birthdays and a holiday) I’m finally back working, this time for Bray Leino Yucca in Clifton, Bristol. The people are really nice, it’s really relaxed, they’re happy for me to come in and leave early…

I’m getting married!!

So last week [on 23/01/2016, to be precise] I decided it was time to ask Laura [my girlfriend and mother of our daughter] to be my wife. Obviously she said yes [who wouldn’t? what a catch!]. We went out the next day and found an engagement…

Last day

Today is the last day of my current contract. It’s been busy, slow, fun, annoying, challenging but ultimately rewarding. I’m viewing this as a positive, I have a contract lined up to start next week and will be spending the next few days looking for…

Urgent action required!

I turned up at the office yesterday, continued working as usual but with the thought of that day negotiating a better day rate and working location in the back of my mind. I received a meeting request for 15:30 (30 minutes before I usually head home…

Career choices

For the past week or so I’ve been reflecting on my career (I’ve actually been ill but having the time off has forced me to think about whether I want to go back). I currently provide web development services to agencies, software houses and in-office for…